VisGroup at VINCI 2022 Includes Award for Best Short Paper
The VisGroup contributed two papers, one short and one full, to the VINCI Conference held this year in beautiful Chur, Switzerland, taking home the award for Best Short Paper.
VisGroup at EuroVis 2022
We were delighted to present a state-of-the-art-report from our group at EuroVis 2022 in Rome. The report, Trends & Opportunities in Visualization for Physiology: A Multiscale Overview, provides a broad overview of the common approaches and key challenges in visualizing physiology that is applicable for novice and experienced visualization researchers as well as application domain scientists who are interested in learning about more advanced visualization techniques for physiology.
3 Papers at IEEE VIS 2021
Three of our papers will be presented at IEEE VIS 2021, the premier international venue for visualization research. The conference will be held virtually from October 24 to 29, 2021.
Best Paper Honorable Mention at VCBM 2021
Our work on the visual communication of biomedical processes was awarded a Best Paper Honorable Mention at the 2021 Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine.
Laura Garrison wins Medical Visualization Award
Our PhD student Laura Garrison has been awarded the 2nd Prize at the 2021 Karl-Heinz Höhne Award for Medical Visualization by the working group on Visual Computing in Biology and Medicine (FG VCBM).